平成24年度 博士課程教育リーディングプログラム:東京大学 ソーシャルICT グローバル・クリエイティブリーダー育成プログラム

ホーム > GCL TechTalk シリーズ > 2016/10/24-25 Global Design BBS: 「Application development for the Internet of Things and Web of Things」(使用言語:英語)

GCL TechTalk シリーズ

2016/10/24-25 Global Design BBS: 「Application development for the Internet of Things and Web of Things」(使用言語:英語)

Global Design BBS(Brown Bag Seminar)を下記のとおり開催いたします。

※GCL TechTalkへの出席点は、M1生のGCLコース生2年次選抜評価に、M2以上は奨励金の査定に使われます。また、M1生はGCLコース生2年次選抜評価時までに最低3件のレポートを提出してください。M2以上はレポートの提出は必要ありません。
出席レポートフォーム> <レポート作成上の留意点こちらを参照

〈10/24 TechTalkのレポート提出先〉
〈10/25 TechTalkのレポート提出先〉



氏名、所属(学年)、E-mail、参加希望日 を GCLプロジェクトインキュベーション機構(pim[at]gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp   *[at]を@に変えて送信ください)宛にお送りください。



開催日: 2016年10月24日(月)~10月25日(火)

時 間: 10:00 ~17:00

場 所: GCLラボ(東京大学 工学部3号館2階)

定員: 20名程度    ※参加者は各自、PCを持参ください。

テーマ: Application development for the Internet of Things and Web of Things

講 師: Dr. Pankesh Patel

He is serving ABB Corporate Research-Bangalore, India as a Research Scientist. He focuses in building software development methodologies and tools to easily develop applications in the cross-section of software engineering, cyber-physical systems, and Internet of Things. With this research, he has published several research articles in prestigious events like MIDDLEWARE, S-CUBE, OOPSLA, ICSE, SCC, ICDCN, APSEC, Journal of System and Software (JSS), and CRC press for book chapter as a first author. He regularly serves various academic events as PC and invited/keynote speaker. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Paris VI (UPMC) and INRIA (French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation) Paris, France.

The last few years have seen two key trends maturing in the industry: IoT and Big Data. These trends build on more than a decade of research in both academia and industry. As the cost of instrumentation and microprocessor chips has declined, it is now possible to monitor the environment on a widening scale. The cost decline is matched by cloud computing (exposed as web services) that provides infrastructure for storage and processing. Furthermore, on top of cloud, advances in big data tools/techniques provide a platform to analyze and understand the massive amount of data. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be thought of in terms of connecting and combining the above mentioned elements. Combination of all these elements at various levels (e.g., physical objects, cloud service, mobile with rich user interfaces, analytics) will allow access and analysis of an enormous amount of fast data, which could be used to improve efficiency and performance of the whole enterprise. Moreover, it opens the possibilities of developing IoT applications in novel scenarios such as smart metering, smart electric car recharge stations, retail & logistics, and so on.

The aim of this tutorial is to bring together the software engineering, Internet of Things, cloud computing, data engineering communities. It will provide a discussion forum to bring together researchers from diverse research areas concerning all aspects of developing an ecosystem for bringing the next revolution via Internet of Things.

Target audiences:
The tutorial is aimed at those who want to understand the on-ground concerns in architecting and developing real-life IoT applications. As such it will cater to both beginners and those already working in IoT.
The tutorial will start with an introduction aimed at setting a common context of IoT for all participants:
–  For beginners in this area, the introduction will create an understanding of what IoT means, common terminology, and business impact and later get into details of IoT application development. Case studies / demos will aid understanding.
- For those already working in IoT, the tutorial will serve as a refresher for key concepts and serve as a forum to understand the latest research from corporate R&D organizations.

※10/24: 初級・中級者向け内容、 10/25: 上級者向け内容

Language: English


pim [at] gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp ([at] を@ に変えて送信してください)


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