ホーム > GCL TechTalk シリーズ > 2017/10/04 Global Design Seminar: 「UAVs and their Potential in Delivering IoT Services」(講演:英語)
GCL TechTalk シリーズ
2017/10/04 Global Design Seminar: 「UAVs and their Potential in Delivering IoT Services」(講演:英語)
Global Design Seminarを下記のとおり開催いたします。
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〈10/4 TechTalkのレポート提出先〉
日 時: 2017年10月4日(水)13:30 – 15:00
場 所: 東京大学 工学部3号館 2階 GCLラボ
テーマ: UAVs and their Potential in Delivering IoT Services
講 師: Prof. Tarik Taleb, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland (Research Group: http://mosaic-lab.org/ )
Prof. Tarik Taleb is an IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer and a senior member of IEEE. He is currently Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Finland. He is the director of the MOSA!C Lab (http://mosaic-lab.org/). Prior to his current academic position, he was working as Senior Researcher and 3GPP Standards Expert at NEC Europe Ltd, Heidelberg, Germany. He was then leading the NEC Europe Labs Team working on R&D projects on carrier cloud platforms, an important vision of 5G systems. Before joining NEC and till Mar. 2009, he worked as assistant professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan, in a lab fully funded by KDDI. From Oct. 2005 till Mar. 2006, he worked as research fellow at the Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute, Sendai, Japan. He received his B. E degree in Information Engineering with distinction, M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Information Sciences from Tohoku Univ., in 2001, 2003, and 2005, respectively.
The usage of Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAVs), simply known as drones, for mail delivery, rescue team management, or disaster recovery operations is gaining lots of attention. Along with the maturity of the technology and relevant regulations, a worldwide deployment of these UAVs is expected. Whilst these drones would be deployed for specific objectives (e.g., mail delivery), they can be simultaneously used for offering numerous Value-Added Services (VASs), particularly in the area of Internet of Things (IoT), when they are equipped with suitable and remotely controllable sensors, cameras, and actuators. Indeed, integrating and orchestrating the different segments of drones (i.e., each manufactured with specific hardware and used for a specific purpose) would yield a potential Unmanned Arial System (UAS) that could be used as an important data transport platform, on the fly and in parallel to the existing Internet system. Sharing the infrastructure of this UAS for the provisioning of different IoT services would lower both capital and operational expenses, would encourage innovation giving birth to a plethora of new IoT services that can be offered only from height, and would create a novel ecosystem with new stakeholders. The edification of this self-* multi-purpose UAS along with its VAS and its orchestration system comes with a number of scientific challenges, that this talk will tackle, introducing some potential solutions.
使用言語: English
pim [at] gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp ([at] を@ に変えて送信してください)