ホーム > お知らせ > 2013/10/04開講 情報理工学英語特別講義Ⅰ
2013/10/04開講 情報理工学英語特別講義Ⅰ
科目名: 情報理工学英語特別講義Ⅰ「新情報産業論」(2単位)
担当教員:田中正躬 ・ 藤野仁三 ・ 大来洋一 ・ 藤澤浩道 ・ 池田宏明
講義室:工2号館10F 電気系会議室5
開講日:毎週金曜3限 13:00-14:30(10月4日開講)
Introduction (Tanaka)
1) Outline and background of the course
Characteristics of Japanese Economy and relationship with the world (Okita)
2) Rapid Post-war Economic Growth—The Role of Technological Progress
3) East Asian Economic Miracle and the Role of government and Market
4) Challenges faced by present day Japanese economy
Characteristics of Japanese firms (Tanaka)
5) Engineering Culture and Quality Management
Special session Tanaka/ Dr.Gerundino (ISO Stratwegic Adviser)
6) Why know ledge of International Standards is necessary at higher Educatioon?
Scenery of the Information Industry of Japan (Fujisawa)
7) Anatomy of the information industry of Japan
8) R&D and innovative technologies
9) Case Study of a Japanese firm – Hitachi, Ltd.
Institutional Frameworks on Information Industry (Fujino)
10) Overview of the Intellectual Property System
11) Business risks involving intellectual property right (IPRs)
12) Problems caused by IPRs adopted in technology standards
Institutional Frameworks on Information Industry (Ikeda)
13) International standards and the information industry
14) De facto vs. de jure standards
15) Case Study