平成24年度 博士課程教育リーディングプログラム:東京大学 ソーシャルICT グローバル・クリエイティブリーダー育成プログラム

ホーム > お知らせ > 2015/05/16,18 [GDWS WS A Medium]Re-Designing ICTs 01


2015/05/16,18 [GDWS WS A Medium]Re-Designing ICTs 01


This is one of workshops in the category A Medium by the Global Design Workshop (GDWS), GCL.
Recently, it has became clear that ICTs can survive in the society with some proper cultural programs such as customs, learning, plays, workshops, and so on. Developing ICTs with designing cultural programs which embrace ICTs will be needed for Social ICT.
Professor Mikko Villi and Shin Mizukoshi and their international members have been working on a bilateral research project, “Co-Design of Digital Storytelling System with Geographic Information”, and developing several ICT systems with cultural programs.
In this workshop, first, participants will  understand how to use a SoftGIS, one of their ICTs. Second, try to interpret it with different social demands and make blue pictures of alternative design with cultural programs.
Participants will work on it mainly on Saturday May 16, and Monday May 18 will be a showing and discussion.

Saturday– 93B, 9F, Engineering New 2nd Building, Hongo Campus, UTokyo
Monday—Denkikei Kaigishitsu 1(Meeting Room 1 for Electrical Research Course), 3F, Engineering 2nd Building, Hongo Campus , UTokyo

Date: 13:00 to 17:00, Saturday May 16, and 10:00 to 12:00, Monday May 18, 2015.

Professor Mikko Villi
Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki
Communication Studies

Assistant Professor
Yonnie Kyoung-hwa Kim
Kanda University of International Studies
Media Studies

Chikako Goto (Community Design), Daiya Aida (Art Workshop), and Shin Mizukoshi (Media Studies) of GDWS

RSVP is needed at the following address.
Deadline: 12:00pm of Thursday May 14, 2015.

Language: English

Maximum Number of Participants: 25


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