Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders - The University of Tokyo Program for Leading Graduate Schools

Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2014/10/29 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Leading Researcher “Legal systems and technical issues on “Privacy Protection””, “Action recognition method to be expressed in writing regarding physical motion, and Study on “Recognition of gesture in Multimodal Communication” and “Cooperative ITS (intelligent transport system)2020 that is supporting for the auto-travelling vehicle”

GCL TechTalk Series

2014/10/29 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Leading Researcher “Legal systems and technical issues on “Privacy Protection””, “Action recognition method to be expressed in writing regarding physical motion, and Study on “Recognition of gesture in Multimodal Communication” and “Cooperative ITS (intelligent transport system)2020 that is supporting for the auto-travelling vehicle”

This program will be held on October 29 (14:50-18:20) at RM 1AB, 3rd Fl., Faculty of Engineering Bldg. #2.

For more information, please check the Japanese page here at .

Thank you.

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