Home > Internship Program
Internship Program
Last updated on July 16, 2021
All the GCL course students must take internship(s) in abroad and Japan.
Background and Objective
In working environments, the great points of difference between Japan and foreign countries are that international organizations require outstanding graduate students for office positions in many cases. For instance, holding a Master’s degree is one of the requirements to gain employment in UN and its related organizations. The top positions in the organizations are almost well-qualified, with doctoral degrees. Therefore, Master course students are more privileged than Bachelor students on the occasion of internship program. With this background, all the GCL Course students must take an internship in abroad and Japan in order to deepen their awareness of problem consciousness.
Internship Host Organizations
- For the GCL Internship program, GCL course students take their own initiative to find their internship site based on their interests and backgrounds. Possibilities include international organizations, governmental agencies, private companies, and non-governmental organizations both in Japan and abroad.
- GCL course students with work experience are able to be exempted from taking the GCL internship program, if they wish.
- GCL course students are allowed to admit for the internships at several host institutions.
- In principal, 2nd year master course students are responsible for finding their own internship host organizations in accordance with their research theme.
About Insurance
Note that the University of Tokyo will cover your “Gakkensai (Contraction of Japanese term referring to Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research)” according to our rules. In addition,“Gakkenbai (Liability Insurance coupled with “Gakkensai” (“Futaibaiseki”))” is compulsory for all the GCL course students. In principle, the student is responsible for purchasing Course A of Gakkenbai (Insurance fees: JY340/Valid for one year). For more details regarding “Course A of Gakkenbai“, please refer to the *2017 Gakkenbai Pamphlet and *2017 Gakkenbai Handbook .
Furthermore, when the internship takes place abroad, it’s MANDATORY for all GCL course students to purchase the overseas travel insurance (at your own expense), e.g. “Futai Kaigaku”(Contraction of Japanese term referring to Traveler’s insurance for study abroad linked to Gakkensai). About 6 weeks before your trip, you are required to complete the insurance application.
Meanwhile, according to your destination for Internship, insurance policies of Futai Kaigaku may not provide cover in some cases. For further information, please consult with GCL Office at gcl_gakumu[at]gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace [at] to @).
Information concerning the OSSMA (Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance) Service
The OSSMA is “Overseas Student Safety Management Assistance Service (operated by EAJ – Emergency Assistance Japan Co. Ltd.)” that is added to overseas travel accident insurance for travel or study overseas. All GCL course students going to abroad are required to bear the cost of OSSMA by their own responsibilities.
The GCL program requires GCL course students to enroll in OSSMA.
Please visit the UTokyo Web pages below for further information about OSSMA and application procedure. http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/current-students/ossma.html
For more information including various procedures of Internship, please refer to GCL Internship Manual page, that is password-protected.
Reference Web Site
The institutions/companies((※):Venture businesses launched from UTokyo) listed below, are the internship hosts that have been in close coordination and cooperation with graduate school of Information Science and Technology of the University of Tokyo. However, you can also apply for the others. Before applying for internships, the period of internships, theme, and the knowledge and skills needed to qualify for your target, should be fully considered.
If you have any questions regarding the internship program, please contact to GCL Office at gcl_gakumu[at]gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp (Please replace [at] to @).
Other Useful Information: The University of Tokyo has research or educational exchange agreements with many institutions around the world. For more information, please see here.
●Support for Travel expenses New!
https://www.candc.or.jp/en/schedule.html (The NEC C&C Foundation)
● In the HP New!
There is a UTokyo site named Go global Website,which introduces University-wide Programs and Program lists for going abroad.
Please have a look.
● NEC is currently accepting applications for internships. https://www.iiw.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/internship/intnecrd/ The due date has already passed, but they are offering internships throughout the year. New!
● https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/alumni/support-programs/advisory.html (海外大学院留学説明会/Study Abroad Guide & Advice)
● https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/academic-program/fellowships-microsoft-research-asia/ (Fellowships at Microsoft Research Asia)
● https://www.gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/for-memebers/internship2019-info-list(内部専用:2019年度インターンシップ募集案内資料)<パスワード保護あり>
● http://bps.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/k_suisin1/oice/haken.html (工学・情報理工学系ポータルに入れる人)New!
● http://www.kddi-foundation.or.jp/support/japanese/ (日本人の方のみ)New!
● https://www.taf.or.jp/grant-b/02/ (博士後期課程のみ) New!
● https://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/mext/2017/12/20171207.pdf(トビタテ)
● https://奨学金.net/abroad.html (奨学金をくれる団体のリスト)New!