FAQ – Others
Q1 How much greater is the workload for GCL program participants?
A: GCL required courses (classes) can be taken as part of elective courses in your major. The workload for GCL participants is only greater than for regular Master’s and Doctoral students in that you need to attend GDWS and TechTalk. In terms of class hours, GDWS equates to 2.5 Master’s credits or 2.0 Doctoral credits. TechTalk, which is mandatory for Master’s students, equates to 0.5 credits. Therefore, the additional workload for GCL is 3 credits for Master’s students and 2 credits for Doctoral students.
Q2 What is a Social Innovation Project?
A: A research project undertaken by GCL Doctoral students. It is ultimately developed into the Doctoral dissertation. GCL students are expected to undertake research not simply for the purpose of completing a dissertation, but high-impact research that proves useful both academically and socially.