Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders - The University of Tokyo Program for Leading Graduate Schools

Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2018/01/18 Global Design Seminar:“Automated driving and Network ~ From the point of view of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ~” (Tentative) (In Japanese)

GCL TechTalk Series

2018/01/18 Global Design Seminar:“Automated driving and Network ~ From the point of view of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications ~” (Tentative) (In Japanese)

This seminar will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018 (19:00~21:00) at Manufacturing Management Research Center(MMRC), Kojima Hall 5F, Hongo Campus.
For more information on the pre-registration both presence or absence, detailed program, lecturer,and the GCL TechTalk attendance report submission, etc., please see the Japanese website at .

Thank you.

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