Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2018/11/09, 16 Global Design Lecture: “Easy Android App Development: Create your very first app in 10 min!”(in English)
GCL TechTalk Series
2018/11/09, 16 Global Design Lecture: “Easy Android App Development: Create your very first app in 10 min!”(in English)
This series of lectures entitled “Easy Android App Development: Create your very first app in 10 min!” will take place as follows;
※“Confirmation of your attendance via a card reader” and “GCL TechTalk attendance report submission” are not required at this Global Design Lecture.
※Please note that attendance points of M2 and Doctor course students will be assessed for the subsidy.
Date and Time:
# 1: Friday, November 9 (15:00-18:00)
# 2: Friday, November 16 (15:00-18:00)
Venue: GCL Laboratory, 2nd Fl., Engineering Bldg. 3, Hongo Campus
Project Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems
The University of Tokyo
In this series of lectures, the participants become familiar with basic concepts of android devices and android apps, and learn developing their own apps by experimenting in a visual programming environment.
Specifically, the apps for data collection and questionnaire generation are covered.
The environment is easy to use, even for the persons developing their very first app.
No prior knowledge of app development or programming experience is required!
Lecture Content:
Day 1: Introduction and general topics to become familiar with app development, and creating some simple apps
Day 2: Topics related to databases and files, useful for creating questionnaires
Language: English
・Internet connection is required for the experiments. Therefore, the students are advised to use The University of Tokyo wifi
(https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/dics/ja/wlan.html) or other ways of connecting to internet (pocket-wifi,…)
・Attending only one day is ok.
For more information, e.g. registration (accepts 10students), please see the Japanese website at
http://www.gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/events/20181109-1116-global-design-lecture/ .
Thank you.