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Home > News & Topics > 2015/09/25 For M1 GCL Course Students: Request for submission of “GCL Internship Implementation Plan”

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2015/09/25 For M1 GCL Course Students: Request for submission of “GCL Internship Implementation Plan”

All GCL course students are required to undertake an approximately 6-months internship in abroad and/or in Japan in order to deepen their awareness of problem consciousness.

Students are recommended to conduct the Internship as quickly as possible.

Please refer to the explanation documents in the website at .

Students must discuss about their internship theme thoroughly with their supervisor before submitting the following two documents to the GCL office.

・GCL Internship Implementation Plan
・The specific form for the MEXT Program “Tobitate Ryugaku Japan (For overseas )) ”

GCL course students with work experience, either domestic or abroad, are able to be exempted from taking the GCL internship program, if they wish. In such cases, students are required to submit the application for exemption. After reviewing the application, exemption will be approved based on the results.

The above forms are available for download at, that is password-protected. For the GCL Internship Implementation Plan, please refer to the above website as a guide to estimate the travel expenses based on the GCL regulations.

For GCL overseas internship planning, please use the specific form of MEXT program “Tobitate Ryugaku Japan” so that GCL course students can easily apply for that program which will be recruited at the same time, if they wish.

■Where to submit
Complete and submit the above documents to:
Office of GCL Program on the 6th Floor of the Dept. of Engineering Bldg.#8, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo

Submission Deadline: Friday, September 25, 2015 (JST)

Office of GCL Program
E-mail: gcl_gakumu[at] (Please replace [at] with @)

■For further information about Internship, please refer to the following URLs.
Explanation Documents:
FAQs (Japanese page only)

■Moreover, please note that the guidance session for the GCL Internship Implementation Plan will not be conducted this year. If you need help filling out the forms, please contact GCL program office at gcl_gakumu[at] (Please replace [at] with @)

GCL course students are required to submit the GCL Internship Implementation Plan as one of basic documents for selection process to advance to “M2 GCL course student”. In the case of not submitting, the student cannot advance to the second year of GCL program. If the submitted Internship Implementation Plan is accepted, the result of “Acceptable Level” will be notified by October 6, 2015, which is mentioned in the following website. Please note that after the final decision is made, the students will be notified about advancing to the second year of GCL around the beginning of December 2015, separately from the above notification on October 6.

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