Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders - The University of Tokyo Program for Leading Graduate Schools

Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2016/04/27 (R2P) Global Design Lecture: Intellectual Property Strategies and Negotiation Techniques Using Role Plays:Joint Development Edition-I

GCL TechTalk Series

2016/04/27 (R2P) Global Design Lecture: Intellectual Property Strategies and Negotiation Techniques Using Role Plays:Joint Development Edition-I

The Lecture will be held on Wednesday, April 27 (14:55 – 16:40) at Ele. Conf. Room 1AB, 3rd Floor, Engineering bldg. #2, Hongo Campus.

For more information on the detailed program, lecturer, registration, etc., please refer to .

Please feel free to make an inquiry below if you have any questions on this matter.

GCL Project Incubation Machinery (PIM)
Email: pim[at]  (Please replace [at] to @)

Thank you.

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