Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders - The University of Tokyo Program for Leading Graduate Schools

Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2015/10/28 Global Design Brown Bags Seminar (BBS): On thinking on Youth Suicide Prevention through ICT-Development of New Clinical Trials by internet outreach system namely “Yomawari (Night Watch) 2.0”

GCL TechTalk Series

2015/10/28 Global Design Brown Bags Seminar (BBS): On thinking on Youth Suicide Prevention through ICT-Development of New Clinical Trials by internet outreach system namely “Yomawari (Night Watch) 2.0”

This BBS seminar will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 (3rd period: 13:00~14:50) at GCL Laboratory, Dept. of Engineering Bldg. #3, Hongo Campus.

For more information, please check the Japanese page here at .

Thank you.

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