Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2016/05/25 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Seminar: “Media and Politics”, “Leveraging External Ideas and Knowledge for Innovation by Fuji Xerox”
GCL TechTalk Series
2016/05/25 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Seminar: “Media and Politics”, “Leveraging External Ideas and Knowledge for Innovation by Fuji Xerox”
The lecture and seminar will be held on Wednesday, May 25 (Lecture: 14:55-15:50 / Seminar: 15:50-16:40 ) at the Ele-Conference Room #1AB, 3rd Fl., Faculty of Engineering Bldg. #2, Hongo Campus.
For more information, please check the Japanese page here at
http://www.gcl.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/events/20160525-r2p-global-design-lecture-seminar/ .
Thank you.