Graduate Program for Social ICT Global Creative Leaders - The University of Tokyo Program for Leading Graduate Schools

Home > GCL TechTalk Series > 2018/09/26 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Seminar: “What is Open Governance?”, “Real world implementation of visual illusions” (in Japanese)

GCL TechTalk Series

2018/09/26 (R2P) Global Design Lecture & Seminar: “What is Open Governance?”, “Real world implementation of visual illusions” (in Japanese)

The lecture and seminar will be held on Wednesday September 26 (Lecture starts at 14:55/Seminar stars at 15:50) at GCL Laboratory, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 3, Hongo Campus.

For more information on lecturers, pre-registration both presence or absence, and the GCL TechTalk attendance report submission, etc., please see the Japanese website at .

Thank you.

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